30 Apr

Method of Wudu (Hanafi) / how to do wadu masail world

Method of Wudu (Hanafi) / How to do wadu practically

It is Mustahab to be seated on an elevated platform facing the Qiblah. It is highly recommended to make a conscious intention for Wudu, followed by a verbal intention.
Frame the intention in this manner (suggested): “I am performing Wudu so as to fulfil the commandment of Allah and to achieve purity.”

Recite because it is additionally a way of life, rather say as angels can continue writing smart deeds as long joined is within the state of Wudu. (Majma’-uz Zawaid, pp. 513. vol 1, Hudis 1112)

The steps of wudu / method of wadu

Wash each hand up to the wrist 3 times, and subsequently do Khilal (i.e. crisscross fingers of both hands in order to dampen the sides of the fingers and the gaps) Ensure the faucet is closed while doing so.
Use Miswak to cleanse the teeth. Move it up and down across the entire sets (upper and lower sets) of teeth. Move the Miswak back and forth as well across both sets. Repeat these movements 3 times and with every cycle, rinse the Miswak. Hujja-tul-Islam leader Muhammad Ghazali says. “Whilst employing a Miswak, create intention to wash mouth for the recitation of the Holy Koran and for the Zikr (Remembrance) of Allah .

(hva-ul-‘Ulam, pp. 182, vol. 1)

Now cup your right palm for water and rinse your mouth 3 times (close the faucet every time). Ensure water reaches all portions of the mouth, and gargle as well if you’re not practising abstinence.

Cup your palm with water, and draw it up both nostrils, then insert the thumb and then little finger if your left hand to remove any dust/dirt/grind that might be lodged in the nostrils. Repeat this 3 times (close the faucet every time). If not under abstinence, draw water up to the end of the nose.

Also draw water up the nose as described above and blow your nose hard. Repeat thrice.
Wash the entire face – ear lobe to ear lobe, the either ends of the lower jaw bone, the hairline above the forehead to the chin to the lower portion of the throat. Repeat thrice.

Ensure water flows over from the highest of the forehead (from the hairline) to the bottom of the throat and from one lobe to the other.
If one has beard and he’s not within the state of Ihram (Special state for Haj/Umrah) then do Khilal (cup the palm with water and ensure every stand of the beard hair is fully wet from root to tip). Keep the faucet turned off while doing so.
To ensure the entire beard is wet, insert fingers into the beard from the throat pointing outward such that the palm ribs against the chin.
Then wash the forearm. Ensure all portions right from the palm to a little above the elbow are drenched. To do this, cup both palms to collect water, and raise the right hand in order that the collected water flows down all the way to the elbow. Do this 3 times, repeat for left hand. To be sure that all portions are drenched, paas water with your palm over the entire forearm and the elbow.
It is mustahab to scrub up to 1/3rd of the upper arm.

Most people take a little water in their palm and pour it over their forearm towards the elbow 3 times. However during this technique, there are chances that water wouldn’t flow over the entire forearm.

Now (with the faucet closed) perform ‘masa’, that is wetting of the exposed surface of the hair on the head. Thoroughly wet the index fingers, thumbs, and the little fingers (of both hands) and run them parallely from the hairline above the forehead all the way back to the lower portion of the neck.

Draw these fingers back to the forehead by placing both palms on the head and race them across back towards the forehead. Throughout this, the index fingers and thumbs shouldn’t be in contact with the head.
Then use the index fingers to wipe the insides of the ears, the thumbs for the rear of ears and therefore the tiny fingers ought to be inserted within the holes of ears. Ensure the fingers are wet at all times.
Dampen the neck with the outer sides of the fingers of both hands.
Make it a habit to turn the faucet off when not required. To waste water by leaving the faucet open even partly is a sin.
Next wash each foot, beginning with the outer sides and gradually covering the inner sides and the rear portion (above the heel), wetting all the way up to little above the ankle.
Starting from the toes up to little above the ankle. it’s Mustahab to scrub up to halfway up the shin. Perform Khilal between every two toes. Repeat this thrice, first for the right foot, then for the left foot.
The faucet ought to be turned off throughout Khilal.

Hujja-tul-Islam leader Muhammad Ghazali says, “While washing every part, one ought to hope that the sins of that part are being washed away.” (Ihya-ul-Ulam, pp 183, vol. 1)

صلى الله تعالى على محمد
صلوا على الحبيب

Also recite this Du’a when Wudu (with Durüd Sharif before and while performing it).

اللهم اجعلني من التوابين واجعلني من المتطهرين


29 Apr

How to make the intention for Taraveeh


How to make the intention for Taraveeh


In the month of Ramzaan, during Isha prayers (after 4 Farz and 2 Sunnah, but before 3 Wajib-ul-Witr) the Salaahthat is performed is called Taraveeh.

It is Sunnah-e-Muakkada (Muakkada means it has been decreed as a highly recommended practice) for every Muslim adult (Man and Woman). Not performing this Salaahwith a valid reason or cause is a grave sin. Performing this in the mosque in a congregation is Sunnah-e-Kifaaya (Kifaaya means the act of prayer needs to be performed by at least a few people from within the corresponding society/community). If a certain colony/community doesn’t organize for the Taraveeh Congregation, then all Muslim residents of the colony/community are equal sinners.

The Taraveeh Salaah shall begin the first night of Ramzaan, i.e. the evening (around Maghrib) when the moon is sighted. It is mandatory to keep performing it every night until the next month’s moon (waxing crescent of the moon) is sighted. The time of Taraveeh begins just after the time for Isha commences and lasts till Subah-e-Sadiq (when the sun is at the horizon). It is a better practice to perform 3-rakaat Wajib-ul-Witr after (the 20-rakaat) Taraveeh, but if due to some reason Wajib-ul-Witr is performed before Taraveeh, it is still acceptable [Shami Vol. 5, Page 240, ‘Witr Ka Baab’].

Method of Taraveeh: After performing the Farz and Sunnah of Isha, an intention of Taraveeh is to be made, for 20 rakaats (split into 10 sessions by count of Salaam of 2 rakaats each). After every 4 rakaats, there should be a ‘longer break’, during which the Dua of Taraveeh must be recited. This ‘longer break’ is referred to as ‘Tarveeha’, meaning ‘to rest’. It is better to recite the Dua of Taraveeh, or perform zikr, etc. during this ‘break’. Completing the Quran once across the Taraveeh on all nights is Sunnah, and completing it more than once is Mustahab (Mustahab means performing the act of prayer earns one rewards, but if not performed, it will not be a sin/mistake).


The process of Taraveeh

Intention to be made: I intend to perform 20-rakaat Taraveeh Salaah as Sunnah of Rasoolullah, for the sake of Allah, while facing the Kaaba.

Allah Hu Akbar


The conscious decision one makes, is referred to as Intention. After intending, it is highly recommended that the intention is verbally uttered as well.


The Intention can be made for every individual 2 rakaats, or can be made in one go for all 20 rakaats in the beginning as described above.


Dua of Taraveeh

Subhaana zil mulki wal malakoot. Subhaana zil izzati wal azmati wal haibati wal qudrati wal kibriyaa-ee wal jabaroot. Subhaanal malikil hayyil-lazee laa yanaamu walaa yamoot. Subboohun quddoosun rabbunaa wa rabbul malaaikati warroohu. Allahumma ajirna minan-naar, ya mujeeru, ya mujeeru, ya mujeeru, bi rahmatika Ya-Ar hamar Raahimeen.

22 Mar

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